May is always a tough month, it feels dark and miserable outside, the buzz of Christmas seemed so far away and the effects of the Easter break is wearing off but the lasting effects are weighing on our waistlines and wallets, and pay day seems so far away.
Feeling the Winter blues is a very common thing but there are a few tactics that can help lift you out of the wintery fog and bring yourself your own little bit of sunshine.
You don’t have to go ‘out-out’ to have a good time (and your post-partying credit card balance is probably agreeing with you!) – why not invite some friends or family over for a cup of tea and catch up, have a sleepover like ‘the old days’, or go for a long walk and gossip with your nearest and dearest. Research shows that spending time with your friends can act as an instant mood lifter.
Create yourself the ultimate ‘feel good’ playlist. Songs that make you feel like you want to get up and dance or remind you of really happy events in your life. Play it loud, play it every day, play it when you’re doing mundane tasks like washing the dishes, and dance around the kitchen. Music is another proven mood booster, so crank up the volume! Create your favourite playlist and dance away while doing the household chores.
Exercise releases endorphins which triggers positive feelings in your body, we know that exercise can reduce stress, improve sleep, and boost self-esteem. So if one of your resolutions is fitness related, there’s no better time than now to get working out! We have created loads of workouts we’ve created to get you started, check out our active section!
Have you ever heard the saying that laughter is the best medicine? It’s probably true! Like exercise, laughter reduces stress, relaxes your body, releases endorphins (the feel good hormone!) and burns calories! If signing up to a laughter yoga class sounds a little too far out of your comfort zone, why not log into Netflix and watch your favourite funny film or stand-up comedian or even look and see if there are any comedy nights in your local area? Surrounding yourself with other smiling, laughing people is said to boost the laughter benefits even more!
We hope our tips help you to shake off the Winter blues. If you need some help sticking to those weight-loss or fitness resolutions, a Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant can offer you the one-to-one support that you need