What's the Plan
Cambridge Weight Plan provides flexible weight loss programmes for women and men.
The Plan is made up of a flexible six-step programme, allowing you and your consultant to choose the perfect step that fits you and your lifestyle.
Our nutritionally balanced programmes range from 600 kcal to 1500+kcal per day.
Your consultant will explain the Cambridge Weight Plan weight loss 5-step weight loss programme (as easy as A,B,C) followed by the weight loss maintenance (Step 6 or Level D).
Weight loss
Long-term weight management.
After discussing your personal circumstances, your Consultant will recommend an appropriate Step for you to start on.
Your Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant will not only provide you with one-to-one support, but will also motivate and encourage you throughout your weight loss journey and once you reach your target, they'll be there to help you maintain your fantastic new look! Are you ready to find your Consultant?