Some of you might already be thinking about losing weight in the New Year. Is this you? If so, our 60-Day Challenge could be the solution you need. Starting in January, the #CWP60Day Challenge is all about challenging yourself to stick to Plan for 60 days and sharing your progress along the way.
Prepare for the #CWP60Day Challenge and book your consultation now!
Get in touch or speak to us if you’re already on Plan. We will support and encourage you every step of the way!
Get started on Instagram
If you haven’t already got an Instagram account we suggest you set one up. It’s a great way to share your journey and make friends with our large community of slimmers who are going through a shared experience with you.
When setting up your Instagram account use the format: name_CWP it’s a great way to get recognised.
Share your #CWP60Day progress
Throughout the 60-Day Challenge we’d love to see Instagram videos, photos and stories about your progress, which can also be shared on Facebook and Twitter.
Feel free to post as many times as you like during the Challenge using #CWP60Day – the more the better!
Why not start with a quick video to pledge you’re going to take part in the #CWP60Day Challenge… “My name is ____ and I’m starting Cambridge Weight Plan’s 60-Day Challenge!”
Remember to take a photo at the beginning of your #CWP60Day Challenge and regularly throughout your journey. This will help keep you motivated and remind you how far you’ve come.
We’d also love you to share:
Your reasons for taking part
What Step you’re on
What CWP products you’re having each day
Weekly weigh-in updates
Before, during and after photos
Any product tips
What’s keeping you motivated
How you are finding CWP
Progress photos
Regular updates
Once you’ve successfully completed the #CWP60Day Challenge let us know… “My name is ____ and I’ve just completed the Cambridge Weight Plan 60-Day challenge!”
Don’t forget to…
Engage with Cambridge Weight Plan’s 60-Day Challenge content – like and share with your followers and comment where you can
Always tag @cambridgeweightplan and @cwpnewzealand (if you are in New Zealand) in your posts on Instagram.
Show your love and support with other slimmers taking part in the #CWP60Day Challenge
Bella magazine’s Shape-Up Challenge videos are a great example of the types of content you could share.
Are you up for the challenge? Download our handy calendar to help you on your journey here!