Finalists Slimmer of the year 2018

Sara Dando
Finalist, Slimmer of the Year New Zealand
Starting weight: 95kg
Final weight: 81kg
Total lost: 14kg
Age: 44
Consultant: Jane Wilkinson
Hello, I am a 44 year old , married , mother of two children. I work full-time as a cardiac nurse and I started Cambridge weight plan in March 2018.
I am originally from England and emigrated in 2003. Both of my children were born here in New Zealand.
For how long have you been overweight? And how has it impacted your life?
I have been steadily putting on weight since my son started school, four years ago and have found it very difficult to be able to lose the 25 kilos I gained over that time.
This steady increase in weight has impacted my life hugely, personally, professionally, it has all had an affect on my children and my husband and the relationships I have
Had you tried any weight loss methods before?
I have tried a few different methods prior to this, with minimal success. I became fitter at the Gym but wasn't able to lose the excess weight, this meant I wasn't able to train as hard as I could and was frustrated my body couldn't do what my mind was asking it to do.
I also tried a 6 week weight loss metabolism diet, I did lose weight but then quickly regained the weight over Christmas, followed by an extra 20 kilos!
What led you to choose Cambridge Weight Plan?
I discovered CWP in New Zealand after my friend in the UK was very successful, she has lost 42kg so far and it really motivated me to regain control over my life, which was mostly associated with my relationship with food, how I view food and how I regained control over my training/food/fuel/life balance!
What was different about Cambridge Weight Plan compared to other weight loss options you have tried?
For me Cambridge weight plan works well for a range of reasons. I am busy with the children and work, I can prepare the children's meals and then my product, quickly and very easily at the same time. If I am too busy to stop for a sit down lunch I can still feel satisfied after a product that doesn't require a large amount of time and preparation. I find I am never caught short of being hungry and having forgotten to pack my own lunch! So no more grabbing for the nearest food to eat because I have been short on time.
I am also accountable to my consultant, who is in touch regularly, with one on one meetings and support and by phone or email, she has been very encouraging and a constant on this journey.
How did being overweight impact your life?
My weight gain was very detrimental to me, for so many reasons. It impacted my life hugely, I give advise to patients regarding weight loss and felt very hypocritical being seen as not taking my own professional advice, I felt I was not a good role model or advocate for the advice I was giving regarding weight loss and the benefits to health.
I was very tired and lethargic and did not enjoy exercise as I once did, due to being overweight and just not being able to physically do the more challenging exercises I wanted to do, which frustrated me.
I also took up karate with my son, at times I felt embarrassed not being able to physically stretch or push myself if I needed to, mostly because my trousers were so tight!
I also felt that as a mother I wasn't showing my children, by my actions, that I was important. I had neglected my healthy eating and felt too busy, too tired and too rushed to be able to follow through on something that was affecting me and impacting on my life. I hope I have now shown the children and my husband, that I matter and have taken responsibility and time, to improve my eating habits and food preparation. This includes taking the time to stop and plan my meals, organise my diet and exercise and incorporate this into mine and the families schedule.
Did you suffer any of health issues due to your weight, that have been significantly improved since losing the weight?
I was lucky that I didn't have major health issues due to my weight. I did have gestational diabetes with my son, this puts me at risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in in life. I was tired, bloated, lethargic and lacking in motivation prior to starting the plan, all of these symptoms have improved hugely!
Have any of these problems now been overcome?
After these weeks or being on plan and being consistent my energy has improved, I sleep better, I am much more comfortable giving advise to my patients on weight loss. Mostly I am very proud to be able to keep up with my children and portray a much healthy body image and confidence. It's been a journey, I am very grateful to have been part of, that will continue for at least another 20 kilos!
Have any of your friends/family members decided to lose weight with Cambridge Weight Plan since seeing your weight loss success?
My friends are waiting in anticipation to how my journey unfolds over the next 60 days!
I needed Cambridge weight plan, it came at the right time for me. I was able to be motivated by the results, enjoy the products especially the ease and availability. The plan works well for me because it fits in to a very busy life, of children, work and home. The Facebook support group has been a very inspirational support platform, even though it is mostly people on their journey in the UK, I feel very connected to these people who are experiencing everything that I am.
My consultant has kept me on track, supported me and been very informative regarding the questions I had as a nurse and the medical aspect of the plan, we've been able to connect and work well together.
I am very grateful to be able to change my views on food, I've reflected on all the reasons why I chose the foods I did and how I used food, for all of my emotions!
As my Dad would say, it's been emotional!​