Paul Nugent

WINNER AUSTRALIA Slimmer of the Year 2017
Total weight lost: 72kg
I started to gain weight when I stopped playing sports in my early 20s. I worked as a truck driver. Food filled in the boredom. I would start the day with a hot pie and a large iced coffee. I’d snack on chips, donuts, cakes and sweets, followed by a hamburger and chips for lunch. Dinner consisted of pasta with garlic bread. I didn’t have the energy to exercise, especially after an 8 hour shift.
I started to feel like an old man and was worried I wouldn’t be around to see my two youngest boys grow up. I had type 2 insulin-dependent diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, high cholesterol and osteoarthritis – all classic symptoms of being overweight. I was continually tired and cranky and usually took it out on those closest to me.
I noticed one of the other drivers had lost weight with Cambridge Weight Plan and I thought, ‘Well if he can do it, what’s stopping me?’ He put me in touch with his Consultant, Tamara, and I never looked back.
After I’d lost 20kg I also started to exercise. At first I did one lap around our local lake (about 2km) but eventually, as my weight decreased, I was walking up to 15km a few times per week.
I feel like a young man again! All of my medical conditions have been reversed and I’ve never felt healthier. I can now play sports, I can tie my shoelaces, I can get a decent night’s sleep, I can work much longer hours. The best part is being able to go into any shop and buy normal size clothes. I still can’t believe it when I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a shop window!
Tamara’s support during my journey has been invaluable. If ever I was struggling, all I needed to do was to pick up the phone and give her a call. I now consider her one of my closest friends and I credit her with saving my life.
And the most exciting thing of all is that I have found love again. I recently proposed to my girlfriend and I am delighted to say she accepted! Thank you Tamara and Cambridge Weight Plan, you truly have changed my life.
*The weight lost and/or timeframes are particular to this slimmer. Everyone’s weight loss journey is unique to them.