Finalists Slimmer of the year 2018

Karen Young
Finalist, Slimmer of the Year New Zealand
Starting weight: 98.80kg
Final weight: 80kg
Total lost: 18.8kg
Age: 51
Consultant: Dr Lalita Jefferies
I am 51 and have 2 boys aged 11 and 9.Married to Simon for 19 years I have been over weight for many years I have tried many programs, but have put it back on.
I was depressed and I wouldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I went my doctor and cried about my weight and she suggested making an appointment to see Lalita and haven’t looked back. I’ve changed I’m happier within myself
I am a gardener and have struggled with my joints getting up and down and fitting into tight spaces. Since losing my weight my job is so much easier I can move around without ache and pains
I started in February and saw results straight away. I was so inspired I kept at Cambridge weight loss plan, and have lost over 20 kilos
For how long have you been overweight? And how has it impacted your life?
I have been overweight about 4 years. I am a gardener and my job is physical and have struggled to get up at times and to fit into gardens.
I hated getting photos taken of myself
Had you tried any weight loss methods before?
I have tried sure slim I lost a lot of weight and then put it back on and also have tried Dukan lost a lot of weight on that also. I loss weight but I struggle to keep, it off
What led you to choose Cambridge Weight Plan?
I had a checkup with my doctor and mentioned it to her that I was unhappy with my weight and she suggested making an appointment to see Lalita. I was aware that I was struggling to get up and felt really fat and I was very unhappy with how I looked.
What was different about Cambridge Weight Plan compared to other weight loss options you have tried?
It has been easy and I have found the whole process easy to do. I am very committed to losing my weight. Lalita has been very supportive and very encouraging. The products have been surprising filling and really yummy
How did being overweight impact your life?
I was unhappy and at times I struggled to get out of bed. I had a lot of aches and pains I used to get my boys to help me get off the couch as I struggled to get up by myself. I was also injuring myself a lot, with back strains.
My husband loves me however I look but in myself I didn’t feel attractive I felt fat and I was unhappy.
Did you suffer any of health issues due to your weight, that have been significantly improved since losing the weight?
I used to struggle with back pain my boys used to help me get up off the couch, since I have lost my weight I am in no pain and bound out of bed and feel happy within myself. I find work a lot easier to do, bending and fitting into spaces is a lot easier
Have any of these problems now been overcome?
I am finding I am in less pain and I bend and move a lot easier
Have any of your friends/family members decided to lose weight with Cambridge Weight Plan since seeing your weight loss success?
No but people have been asking what I have been doing and have given Lalitas email out to a few people
I have found the Cambridge weight loss plan easy and have enjoyed the transformation within myself and the way I am feeling about myself. I would recommend the Cambridge weight loss plan as I have found it really easy and I saw results after 1 week and thought wow how easy is this. I was so committed to losing my weight and I had the results to prove it​