Amish Maru
Total weight lost: 51kg
Coming from a Gujarati family, I have always appreciated food. As a kid I used to be very active and would love playing outside with my friends, but as I got older I preferred staying in and going on my computer. This resulted in my weight creeping up and by the time I was 14, I was unable to run or play for even 15-20 minutes. I would get called names and made fun of for my weight and although I pretended to be unfazed by it on the surface, deep down it hurt. And this would in turn drive me to eat more.
By the time I was 27, I was morbidly obese. I weighed 125kg. People wouldn’t look past my size in order to take me seriously. I had zero self-confidence, felt insecure and preferred being alone, with no one to judge me or make fun of my weight. I was really miserable but felt that I was too far gone to climb out of this hole.
I was also suffering medically from my weight. I had developed severe acid reflux. My family were all extremely worried about me too, as we have a history of cardiac conditions.
They decided that enough is enough and gave me two options; either get surgery or seriously follow a weight loss plan. I wasn’t keen on surgery but was worried that I wouldn’t lose weight any other way. It was then that a family member introduced me to Cambridge Weight Plan. I had no idea just how much my life would change for the better from then onwards.
Right from day one when I went for my initial check-up and met my Consultant, Dr. Rupal Purohit, I knew that I would be in safe hands.
I started straight away and after the first few days, it was smooth sailing. Just a week into the program, my body had more energy than ever before. The results and support from Dr. Rupal gave me the conviction to stand my ground and to see it to the end.
Losing weight is one of the biggest achievements in my life. My confidence, outgoing persona and health are all are back. I haven’t ever been this happy. I am not worried about falling back into my old lifestyle, as the results and benefits of my new life are etched into my mind and act as the biggest deterrent. The compliments from people also help!
*The weight lost and/or timeframes are particular to this slimmer. Everyone’s weight loss journey is unique to them.